When you examine Pleasanton demographics, you’ll see a reflection of a community with family-oriented values.
The Pleasanton, California population in 2010 was just over 70,000 people. Most of the residents are white - encompassing about 67 percent of the population. The second highest concentration encompasses 23.2 percent of the population, which is made up by those from Asian ancestry. There also are African Americans, Native Americans and Hispanics.
Pleasanton, CA statistics reported by the U.S. Census Bureau show that nearly all of the population lives in households - with only a smattering of group homes in the city. About 43 percent of all households are families with children. That’s about 25,250 households in Pleasanton with kids under the age of 18 living in the home. Such a high concentration of children has created an area where there are many fine schools with a focus on education in all of the years leading up to higher education.
The vast majority of households are headed by married couples. They make up about 64 percent of the population. The average household size is about 2.77 people in Pleasanton, CA.
Of these Pleasanton residents, about 70 percent of the own a home. That leaves about 30 percent of the population renting various different dwellings in this city.